Task 1.1
Under the influence of what force with rectilinear motion of the body, the change in its coordinate with time follows the law x = 10 + 5t-10t2? Body weight 2kg.
Task 1.11
A parallelepiped measuring 2x2x4 cm3 moves parallel to the larger edge. At what speed of movement it will seem like a cube.
Task 1.21
A solid cylinder weighing 0.1 kg rolls without sliding at a constant speed of 4 m / s. Determine the kinetic energy of the cylinder, the time before it stops, if it has a friction force of 0.1 N.
Task 1.31
At what speed does the electron move, if its kinetic energy is 1.02 MeV? Determine the momentum of the electron.
Task 1.41
Find the average kinetic energy of the rotational motion of all molecules contained in 0.20 g of hydrogen at a temperature of 27 ° C.
Task 1.51
A 1-liter container contains oxygen weighing 32 g. Determine the average number of collisions of molecules per second at a temperature of 100 K.
Task 1.61
Determine how much heat it is necessary to report argon with a mass of 400 g to heat it by 100 K:
A) at a constant volume;
B) at constant pressure.
Task 1.71
Determine the change in the entropy of 14 g of nitrogen in isobaric heating from 27 ° C to 127 ° C.
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