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The script on the LUA language to shopping terminal Quik.
The script reads the values of the OHLC candles terminal (graphics do not need to open)
and stores the values in a separate file for each (shares).
Is updated every minute, you can specify in what second minute.

As a result, poluchetsya file with the name and content of the paper:
LKOH; 10; 20140725; 134000; 1982.5; 1989.4; 1979; 1979; 39587
LKOH; 10; 20140725; 135000; 1978.5; 1979.7; 1976.7; 1978; 9334
LKOH; 10; 20140725; 140000; 1977.5, 1984.7, 1977.5, 1981.9, 30015
The settings are made by editing the script -
editor any text in the file exportToCsv.lua

Basic settings:
pathf = "c: \\ temp"; --put where the file will be created
cntBars = 1200; --skolko bars must be displayed in the file

To add a new paper exportToCsv.lua bottom of the file you want to add a line like this:
cycl ( "LKOH", "TQBR", INTERVAL_M5)

INTERVAL_M5 - means that the output will be a 5 minute timeframe.
Other options :
INTERVAL_M1 - (1) 1 minute
INTERVAL_M2 - (2) 2 minutes
INTERVAL_M3 - (3) 3 minutes
INTERVAL_M4 - (4) 4 minutes
INTERVAL_M5 - (5) 5 minutes
INTERVAL_M6 - (6) 6 minutes
INTERVAL_M10 - (10) 10 minutes
INTERVAL_M15 - (15) 15 minutes
INTERVAL_M20 - (20) 20 minutes
INTERVAL_M30 - (30) 30 minutes
INTERVAL_H1 - (60) 1 hour
INTERVAL_H2 - (120) 2:00
INTERVAL_H4 - (240) 4 hours
INTERVAL_D1 - (-1) 1 day
INTERVAL_W1 - (-2) 1 week
INTERVAL_MN1 - (-3) 1 month
10.12.2020 20:52:33
Все хорошо. Не совсем разобрался как работает первый скрипт, но скрипт в файле exportToCsv_V4 выполняет необходимые действия. Спасибо автору!