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The reason for the stop, open the trunk, you´re not sober, protocol development, seize the right car at the penalty area, inspection on the road, money for parking, etc.

This common situation in which the driver can get. To know how to behave in them, to talk on equal terms with the inspector, to know their rights and how to protect them, for all that it is written "reminder to the driver."

All situations are described accessible simple language but with inserts provisions of laws, regulations, orders.

Memo contains 12 pages of text with a title page and contents with numbered pages for easy search.

It is recommended to print and keep it permanently in the car.

Also, attach the full text of basic regulations, their relevance checked for July 2014

Each instruction, the order in a separate file with the appropriate name.

Cost cheaper memo advice from a lawyer for one issue, the document also outlined 22 questions with detailed explanation.

Additional documents:

ORDER zdіysnennya Control tehnіchnim pitched kolіsnih the agriculture zasobіv

ІNSTRUKTSІYA about viyavlennya in the agriculture vodіїv zasobіv Find our alcohol, narkotichnogo chi іnshogo sp´yanіnnya abo pid perebuvannya vplivom lіkarskih preparatіv scho znizhuyut uwagi that shvidkіst reaktsії

PERELІK tehnіchnih zasobіv scho vikoristovuyutsya in pіdrozdіlah Derzhavtoіnspektsії MBC viyavlennya fіksuvannya torn down that road rules Ruhu

The procedure for sending the agriculture vodіїv zasobіv looking around for holding s metoyu viyavlennya become alcoholic, narkotichnogo chi іnshogo sp´yanіnnya abo pid perebuvannya vplivom lіkarskih preparatіv scho znizhuyut uwagi that shvidkіst reaktsії, i looked around the holding of such

ІNSTRUKTSІYA s Making pratsіvnikami Derzhavtoіnspektsії MBC materіalіv about admіnіstrativnі torn down in sferі zabezpechennya BEZPEKA road Ruhu

All the regulations in force. Checked for relevance 10/07/2014
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