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Task 1.

Question 1: What kind of contract of sale are governed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation?

1) retail sale;

2) the supply of goods for state needs;

3) contracting;

4) energy supply;

5) all of the above types of contracts.

Question 2. Who can be the subject of a contract of sale?

1) citizens;

2) legal persons;

3) the State;

4) individuals and legal entities;

5) any of the subjects of civil law.

Question 3. What is not subject to the sales contract?

1) real and personal property;

2) exchange transactions;

3) patent rights;

4) the things that belong to the third party;

5) money.

Question 4: What are the general conditions of the contract of sale are essential?

1) an agreement on the subject matter of the contract (selling items);

2) the price;

3) the period of performance of the contract;

4) the number, range, completeness;

5) all of the above.

Question 5. What are the requirements of the buyer is entitled to raise in the case of the sale of his product improper qual-tion?

1) replace the defective goods;

2) a proportionate reduction of the purchase price;

3) immediately, free elimination of product defects;

4) reimbursement for the elimination of defects in the goods;

5) any of the above requirements of their own choice.

14 Task 5 questions
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