CSR test, 44 questions.
Question 1. Define the concept of corporate social responsibility.
1. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - a concept according to which the organization does not take into account the interests of society.
2. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) - a concept whereby organizations consider the interests of society, placing the responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, local communities and other stakeholders of the public sphere. This commitment goes beyond the statutory obligation to comply with legislation and suggests that organizations voluntarily taking further steps to improve the quality of life of workers and their families, as well as the local community and society in general.
3. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) - a concept according to which the organization does not impose responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, local communities and other stakeholders of the public sphere.
Question 2. When I started using the term "corporate social responsibility" (CSR)?
1. The term commonly used CSR began in the early 1940s
2. The term commonly used CSR began in the early 1970s
3. The term commonly used CSR began in the early 1910s
Question 3. Define the social responsibility of business.
1. Corporate Social Responsibility - the responsibility of business entities for compliance with rules and regulations, clearly defined by the legislation
2. Corporate social responsibility - the responsibility of business entities for compliance with rules and regulations implicitly defined or undefined by law (in the field of ethics, environmental, charity, humanity, compassion, and so on. D.), Affecting the quality of life of certain social groups and society as a whole . Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - a voluntary contribution of business to society in social, economic and environmental spheres, connected directly to the main activity of the company and goes beyond the specific legal minimum.
3. Corporate social responsibility is a voluntary contribution of business to society in the environmental field
Question 4. What is directed program of CSR in HR management?
1. In the area of \u200b\u200bpersonnel management program aimed at preserving the CSR staff.
2. In the field of personnel management CSR program is aimed at recruiting and retaining staff, particularly on recruiting in the competitive market of graduates, CSR can help improve the perception of the company among its staff.
3. In the field of personnel management CSR program aimed at recruiting staff in the competitive market of graduates.
Question 5: Under the influence of any incentives corporations decide on the use of CSR practices?
1. The Corporation shall decide on the use of CSR practices under the influence of these incentives - legislation and regulation.
2. The Corporation shall decide on the use of CSR practices under the influence of these incentives - ethical consumerism, global competition, legislation and regulation.
3. The Corporation shall decide on the use of CSR practices under the influence of these incentives - global competition, legislation and regulation.
Question 6. Under the influence of some factors increasing popularity of ethical consumerism?
Question 7: What is the essence of the theory of social responsibility?
1. In the early 70-ies. XX century. in the West there was a theory, the basic tenet of which was the idea that if a company does not tax evasion, establishes an acceptable level of wages, does not fulfill the conditions for the safety and protection of the environment, such a company is in good business practices, and so is social responsible.
2. In the early 70-ies. XX century. in the West there was a theory, the basic tenet of which was the idea that if a company does not tax evasion, establishes an acceptable level of wages, fulfills the conditions for the safety and protection of the environment, such a company is good business practice and, therefore, is a socially responsible .
3. In the early 70-ies. XX century. in the West there was a theory, the basic tenet of which was the idea that if a company does not tax evasion, does not establish an acceptable level of wages, does not fulfill the conditions for the safety and protection of the environment, such a company is good business practice and, therefore, is socially responsible.
Question 8: When and by whom the first time presented the main tenets of the theory of corporate self-interest?
1. For the first time the basic tenets of the theory of corporate selfishness, presented Nobel laureate Milton Friedman, in 1921
2. For the first time the basic tenets of the theory of corporate selfishness, presented Nobel laureate Milton Friedman in 1971
3. For the first time the basic tenets of the theory of corporate selfishness, presented Nobel laureate Milton Friedman, in 1951
Question 9. What is the essence of the theory of enlightened self-interest?
1. The theory of enlightened self-interest identified CSR sponsorship
2. The theory of enlightened self-interest is identified with CSR sponsorship and charity as a kind of social investment. The quintessence of the theory of enlightened self-interest was the thesis that the current reduction in corporate profits at the expense of the socially oriented expenditures creates a favorable social environment conducive to sustainable business development.
3. The theory of enlightened self-interest of CSR identified with charity
Question 10. What is the definition of CSR gives the European Commission?
Question 11. What is the definition of CSR gives Professor M. van Marreviik?
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