The world economy and international economic relations test, 36 questions.
Select one of the options to perform.
Option 1
1. the structure of international economic relations does not include:
a) international trade in goods and services;
b) international economic organizations;
c) the international exchange of technology;
d) international labor migration.
2. The subjects of the world economy are not:
a) the integration associations;
b) the national economy;
c) national firms;
d) international firms.
3. A feature of the world economic development in conditions of globalization is:
a) the uneven development in time and space;
b) uniform translational motion;
c) the approval of the world's population;
d) a sharp rejection of the world's population.
4. The main motive the country's participation in the MRI is:
a) providing access to new technologies and knowledge;
b) the division of spheres of influence between the two countries;
c) economic benefits;
g) access to sources of raw materials and energy.
5. The main reasons for the development of MRI are:
a) differences in climatic conditions;
b) the benefits of the use of information;
c) the particular geopolitical situation of the country;
d) the presence of various factors of production.
6. The economic benefits of the country's participation in the MRT are to:
a) the latest information;
b) national saving cost on the rejection of the domestic production of goods and services at the expense of their more successful import;
c) extraction of ground rent;
d) obtaining the difference (gain) between the international and the national value of exports and imports of goods and services.
7. Which group of countries in the global economy highlights the United Nations:
a) developed and developing countries;
b) industrialized countries with market economies, emerging market economies, countries with economies in transition;
c) developing and underdeveloped countries;
d) capitalist, socialist and developing countries?
8. Which countries do not belong to the group of countries with economies in transition:
a) Hungary;
b) China;
c) Ukraine;
d) Thailand?
9. Newly industrialized countries does not apply:
a) Singapore;
b) Mexico;
c) Thailand;
g) Japan.
10. Common to all types of free economic zones are:
a) special legal status;
b) the absence of unemployment;
c) tariff barriers;
d) the absence of inflation.
11. Integration Association, which includes Russia and the United States, is called:
a) of the CIS;
b) the EU;
c) the APEC;
d) naphthyl.
12. The number of countries included in the EU currently stands:
a) 15;
b) 20;
c) 18;
d) 27.
13. Basic rule of TNCs on the world market are as follows:
a) loan capital;
b) direct investments;
c) portfolio investments;
d) borrowed capital.
14. Multinational companies are doing:
a) the sale of goods in foreign countries;
b) the production of goods in foreign countries;
c) the use of labor from different countries;
d) conduct marketing in foreign countries.
15. The main reason for the emergence of TNK - is:
a) the development of world trade;
b) the concentration of production and capital;
c) increased competition;
d) the internationalization of production and capital.
16. UNCTAD aims to develop:
a) the international STP;
b) the international means of communication;
c) international trade;
g) industrial cooperation.
17. The Advisory Committee largest private creditor banks on restructuring debt of the debtor countries - is:
a) the Paris Club;
b) London Club;
c) The Tokyo club.
18. Russia is not a member of:
a) the IMF;
b) the World Bank;
c) the WTO;
d) of the ILO.
19. The advantage is the main criterion is productivity - is:
a) comparative advantages;
b) limiting the bene
22. A variety of non-customs barriers character that can establish central and local authorities are called:
a) financial constraints;
b) hidden methods of trade policy;
c) non-economic methods of trade policy;
d) quotas.
23. Portfolio foreign investments passed in the form of transfer:
a) technologies;
b) capital in cash;
c) qualified personnel;
g) services.
24. The customs duty shall not perform the following functions:
a) fiscal;
b) protectionist;
c) balancing;
g) monetary.
25. Goods, in the production of which is used relatively more capital than labor, are called:
a) kapitalonasyschennymi;
b) labor-intensive;
c) capital intensive;
d) trudonasyschennymi.
26. Investments that guarantee the acquisition of the right to income and management control of the object of investing abroad are called:
a) the investment climate;
b) foreign portfolio investments;
c) TNC;
d) foreign direct investment.
27. The positive effects of migration in the donor country include:
a) failure to return to his homeland of qualified professionals;
b) reduction of remittances;
c) reduction of tax revenues;
d) the acquisition of new migrants professional knowledge, skills.
28. Before the introduction of the euro in the European Economic Community for the calculations between the two countries to use the collective currency, which is called:
a) ECU;
b) the franc;
c) mark;
d) the pound sterling.
29. Employers in the host country when entering the workforce:
a) lose, as there is a lack of jobs;
b) do not get additional benefits;
c) lose, because they have increased labor costs;
g) benefit, because they have reduced labor costs.
30. The European Union (EU) have moved to the single currency in cash, which is called:
a) the pound sterling;
b) the euro;
c) ECU;
d) Franc.
31. indices, which are included in the human development index does not apply:
a) the coverage of education;
b) the standard of living of the population;
c) life expectancy;
d) income levels.
32. Balance of capital movements in the balance of payments consists of the operations of the account:
a) external debt;
b) with the services;
c) The capital and financial account;
g) current transactions.
33. To direct methods immigration policy include:
a) attract highly skilled workers;
b) the establishment of the state of new jobs;
c) the creation of the state of restraining or promotional conditions affecting the emigration;
g) training of unskilled workers.
34. Land resources are provided to the greatest extent:
a) The countries of North Africa;
b) Russia, the US, China;
c) Japan;
d) the countries of Western Europe.
35. Formation of a single economic space and the implementation of measures of collective protection is typical for:
a) free trade area;
b) customs union;
c) the optimal currency area;
g) offshore zone.
36. Rybczynski Theorem and increase the dominance of one type of production, thanks to the successful export, do not lead to a reduction and degradation of other industries:
a) true;
b) wrong.
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