Responses to test the Open Law Institute on the subject of "Securities Market" in the file for the program exel Test Client.
Answer format: question -> write the correct answer. The best format, the passage will take from 6 to 10 minutes!
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The questions in the test:
At the macro level they can be grouped into three comprehensive market:
The totality of economic relations over the treatment, distribution and redistribution of free cash resources in the country is called:
By segments of the financial market does not concern:
Issued a law "On Joint Stock Companies", "On Securities Market", "On protection of rights and legal interests of investors in the securities market" are relevant:
Until 1973 in the markets of the world are mainly shares and bonds. Then there were options, futures, warrants, zero-coupon bonds, ADR, GDR and many other securities. This process is called:
The system of economic relations over the issue and circulation of securities -
The desire to securities market participants to profit from transactions with securities include:
The pricing functions are:
Hedging as a specific function of RZB - is:
Given the market coverage of specific securities territory of RZB are divided into:
In view of the involvement in the transaction with securities of issuers RZB are divided into:
Unsystematic risk
Depending on the type of issuer securities RZB are divided into:
Thanks to options and futures may
Financing the deficit budgets of different levels, specific projects, the regulation of the money supply in circulation, include:
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29.06.2020 12:33:06
Спасибо за сэкономленное время!)
16.12.2016 7:18:31
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26.06.2016 10:18:02
Спасибо! Отлично!
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