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Banking test of 100 questions.

Task 1.

Question 1. What are the total number of banks in Russia by early 1996.

1. 2000;

2. about 2500;

3. 3000;

4. 4000;

5. 3000.

Question 2. What are the total authorized capital of Russian banks as of the end of 1995.

1. 1.5 trillion. Rub .;

2. 2,000 billion. Rub .;

3. more than 4.39 trillion. Rub .;

4. 4,000 billion. Rub .;

5. about 4.4 trillion. Rub.

Question 3. What is the term used interchangeably with the term "Banking Law" in the scientific and methodological literature and practice?

1. The financial rules;

2. Business Law;

3. The banking and financial system;

4. The banking law;

5. Business Law.

Question 4: What are the dates for the adoption of the Law on Banks and Banking.

1. 1990;

2. 1991;

3. 1992;

4. 1993;

5. 1994.

Question 5. What is the basis of the emergence and establishment of the concept of "banking law" in Russia?

1. financial;

2. the market;

3. economic;

4. Credit;

5. Economic and upravlecheskuyu.

Task 2.

Question 1. In which cases can and should talk about banking?

1. When a license is obtained;

2. If the legal address;

3. when the banks commit acts with financial instruments;

4. the presence of foreign reserves;

5. from the receipt of constituent documents.

Question 2. What serves as the Bank's financial instruments?

1. loans;

2. cash, securities and currency values;

3. loans;

4. Loans;

5. The assets of the bank.

Question 3. By bringing in domestic and foreign literature is given the concept of money?

1. Economic Analysis;

2. The market criteria;

3. credit functions;

4. through the analysis and classification of their functions;

5. Financial Analysis.

Question 4. How much money was allocated for the functions of Marxist methodology?

1 one;

2. two;

3. Three;

4. Four;

5. five.

Question 5. How many basic functions of money allocated foreign experts?

1 one;

2. two;

3. Three;

4. Four;

5. five.

Task 3.

Question 1: What are the functions of money allocated to foreign experts.

1. The storage means;

2. The means of payment;

3. The medium of exchange, a measure of value, store of value;

4. investment money;

5. world money.

Question 2: If there are functions of money and should be possible to speak about banking?

1. The cost of the measure;

2. The means of circulation (of payment), savings and product (credit);

3. The means of payment;

4. The world money;

5. means of accumulation.

Question 3. How many forms of existence of money available in the banking business?

1 one;

2. two;

3. Three;

4. Four;

5. five.

Question 4: What are public and taken the form of existence of money in the banking business.

1. Credit;

2. investment;

3. borrowed;

4. Cash and non-cash;

5. accumulated.

Question 5. What article of the Civil Code, which contains general requirements for the suitability of cash to the turnover, and the rules of money turnover.

1. 136;

2. 137;

3. 138;

4. 139;

5. 140.

Task 4.

Question 1. Who sets the Russian Federation law organization of cash circulation?

1. The Government of the Russian Federation;

2. emission center - the Bank of Russia;

3. The President of the Russian Federation;

4. The State Duma;

5. The Council of the Federation.

Question 2. What are the official monetary unit (currency) in the Russian Federation.

1. US dollar;

2. cent;

3. ruble;

4. penny;

5. 24 rubles.

Question 3. What article of the Law on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which establishes the official monetary unit (currency).

1. 24;

2. 25;

3. 26;

4. 27;

5. 28.

Question 4: How the Russian legal regulation establishes a formal relationship between the ruble and gold or other precious metals?

1. Do not install;

2. at cost;

3. at world

Question 1. What is the only legal tender on the territory of the Russian Federation.

1. Ruble;

2. penny;

3. Banknotes and coins Bank of Russia;

4. Money;

5. currency.

Question 2. What are the terms of the exchange of banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia for bank notes of the new sample, the timing of withdrawal of banknotes and coins from circulation.

1. one year;

2. at least 1 year, no more than 5 years;

3. three years;

4. four months;

5. five years.

Question 3. What article of the Civil Code, indicating that the payments in the Russian Federation shall be effected by cash and non-cash payments.

1. 137;

2. 138;

3. 139;

4. 140;

5. 141.

Question 4. Which expression must hold securities as objects of banking?

1. cash;

2. Cash;

3. currency;

4. Credit;

5. rated.

Question 5. What are the articles of the Law on Banks and Banking Activities, establishes the legal content of banking activities.

1. 5 and 6;

2. 4 and 5;

3. 3 and 4;

4. 2 and 3;

5. 1 and 5.

Task 6.

Question 1. In some cases, banking appears as a socio-legal phenomenon?

1. in monetary transactions;

2. to profit from trafficking;

3. When a set of operations becomes qualifying features and elements;

4. The operations of financial instruments;

5. credit operations.

Question 2. Name the first modal legal requirement in banking.

1. The existence of a legal address;

2. licensing;

3. The availability of working capital;

4. The high percentage of deposits;

5. The presence of the authorized capital.

Question 3. When the licensing of banking?

1. Following the adoption of the Constitution;

2. after the creation of authorized capital;

3. In the process of creating the bank;

4. After registration the founders;

5. to obtain a legal address.

Question 4: What is the list of banking operations may cover licensing?

1. selective;

2. Credit;

3. securities transactions;

4. any;

5. currency transactions.

Question 5. What activities are prohibited in banking law?

1. Education;

2. Founder;

3. Commercial;

4. entrepreneurship;

5. industrial, trading, insurance.

Task 7.

Question 1. What article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, providing for liability for illegal banking activity.

1. 172;

2. 173;

3. 174;

4. 175;

5. 176.

Question 2. How is called a system of norms and institutions regulating legal relations in the sphere of circulation of financial instruments?

1. The financial rules;

2. Private Law;

3. Banking Law;

4. Procedural Law;

5. Business Law.

Question 3. In which areas of law contains rules of banking law?

1. International;

2. public and private;

3. civil;

4. criminal;

5. economic.

Question 4: What is reduced method of legal regulation?

1. the realization of its objectives;

2. to what is permitted;

3. a ban;

4. The opposition to mandatory and the disposition of regulation;

5. to implement the law.

Question 5. What are reduced basic ways of legal regulation?

Task 8.

Question 1. What articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation relating to the activities of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Question 2. What are the article of the Russian Constitution, which establishes the competence and the level of legal regulation of the banking legislation.

Question 3. whose competence concerns the appointment and dismissal of the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation?

Question 4. Who makes the scope of the implementation of the guarantee of banking services?

Question 5. Who provides the basis for a uniform legal regulation of banking? etc.

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