1. Name of the village (district) (as of 1 January 2008). 3
2.Karta territory and an indication of the occupied area in sq. M. km. (as of 1 January 2008). 3
3.Osobennosti geographic location (on the border with the neighboring region, the state, and others.). 4
4.Osobennosti socio-economic development (state of the industrial, social and cultural development: the number of industrial sites, the level of development of productive forces, the level of living of the population, the labor market, the availability of educational, social and recreational facilities and so forth.). (as of 1 January 2008). 4
5.Svedeniya about the population living in the territory (in tabular form): 5
6.Svedeniya of criminal activity and the guilt of the citizens in the area (in the form of separate tables for each year from 2003 onwards): 7
7.On the basis of data about the number of reported crimes over this period to implement the method of linear extrapolation prediction of crime for the next year. 14
8.Opredelit one of the most criminogenic terrain or objects (or any kind of crimes committed), to explain the reasons of criminality of the site area (or typical reasons for committing crimes of this category). 15
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