Chapter 1. Theoretical bases of management performance appraisal system 7
1.1. The essence of the certification of staff and criteria for its assessment 7
1.2. Traditional and non-traditional methods of certification of personnel 12
1.3. Organization appraisal 18
CHAPTER 2. ANALYSIS performance appraisal system of "UGSM" 23
2.1. Brief description of activity of "UGSM" 23
2.2. Analysis of the composition and structure of the staff of "UGSM" 30
2.3. Organization of the system of certification of the company LLC "UGSM" 37
2.4. Evaluating the effectiveness of applied system of certification of "UGSM" 50
CHAPTER 3. OPTIMIZATION performance appraisal system in the LLC "UGSM" 56
3.1. Development of measures to optimize the system of certification of LLC "UGSM" 56
3.2. The calculation of the efficiency of the proposed measures 64
Conclusion 68
References 72
Applications 76
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