Responses to test the Open Law Institute on the subject of History of Psychology in the file for the program exel Test Client.
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The questions in the test:
At what time there were first scientific ideas?
What was the subject of study within the framework of philosophical and psychological knowledge in V-XIII centuries.?
What was the subject of study within the framework of philosophical and psychological knowledge in the XIV-XVI centuries.?
What was the subject of study within the framework of philosophical and psychological knowledge in the XVII-XIX centuries.?
What it was the subject of study within the framework of philosophical and psychological knowledge in the beginning. XIX- 60th. XIX century.?
What was the subject of study within the framework of philosophical and psychological knowledge at the end of the XIX century.?
What it was the subject of study within the framework of philosophical and psychological knowledge in the beginning. XX century.?
What was the subject of study within the framework of philosophical and psychological knowledge in the mid XX century.?
What was the subject of study within the framework of philosophical and psychological knowledge at the end of the XX century.?
Which of the following is the main method of the history of psychology?
How to understand the soul of Democritus?
What are the two kinds of knowledge differ atomistic materialism?
How to understand the Stoics "inner mind"?
Pleasure and pain, according to Democritus, is
What advice was given to combat the Stoics affects?
In the philosophy of Stoicism people - it
What was the motto of Socrates?
What is the basis of moral action in Socrates?
The individual soul, according to Plato - is
The soul, according to Aristotle - is
What is the organ of the soul, according to Aristotle?
What stage of life distinguishes Aristotle?
What is the emanation of neo-Platonism?
According to nominalism, the general concepts - it
What is "intentionality" in the teachings of Thomas Aquinas?
The laws of visual perception R. Bacon likens
Man, according to Montaigne - is
What science involves the doctrine of the soul of Francis Bacon?
What are the misconceptions of the human mind identifies Bacon?
What position is the main point of the doctrine of Descartes?