The answers to the test opening of the Legal Institute of Econometrics in the file for the program exel Test Client.
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The questions in the test:
The science of measurement and analysis of economic phenomena, quantitative expression of the ties and relations, which are disclosed and justified by economic theory, called
The object of any nature that created the researcher to obtain new knowledge about the object, the original and only reflects the essential properties of the original, called
Probabilistic and statistical model describing the mechanism of functioning of the economic and socio-economic system, called
Variables asked "outside", independently of the model-driven and planned, are called
The variables whose values \u200b\u200bare generated in the process and in the functioning of the analyzed socio-economic system to a large extent under the influence of exogenous variables and interaction with each other, are called
The econometric modeling is the subject of an explanation
The set of methods for analyzing relationships between various economic indicators (factors) based on real statistical data using the apparatus of the theory of probability and mathematical statistics - a
All exogenous variables of the model and the lagged endogenous variables are
Econometric model - a model
A stochastic variable
The coefficients of a "pure" regression characterized
The coefficients in nonlinear elasticity (power) function shows
The method of estimating the parameters of linear regression that minimizes the sum of squared deviations of observations of the dependent variable on the required linear function is called
The method of least squares - it
Econometrics is an aggregate of methods such as
Model - the object of any nature, which
The purpose of the model is
The process of building, study and application of models - it
The model is adequate to the original object if it
Types of variables in the model does not include
The model is inadequate, the original object if it
What types of models exist?
Predefined variables include
The simplest indicators of the sequence, they are