Responses to test the Open Institute of Law for the Test Client program on the subject of "History of Economic Thought" in the file exel.
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The questions in the test:
The spokesmen of economic thought idealized pre-market era:
Aristotle and Aquinas F. considered that the money - it is:
The subject of the study of classical political economy is:
According to classical political economy, wages as income workers gravitates:
W. Petty and P. Boisguillebert - founders of the theory of value, determined by:
The first author of the theory of reproduction and the first who divided the capital into fixed and circulating, and labor - into productive and unproductive, is:
Adam Smith believed that the private interest:
According to Ricardo, wages tend to decline because:
The only representative of classical political economy characterizes the category capital as a means of exploitation of the working and how self-expanding value:
From the viewpoint of F. Quesnay, the farmers are:
According to Adam Smith´s invisible hand - is:
According to the theory of population T. Malthus, the main causes of poverty are:
According to the concepts of utopian socialists, the priority is the property:
According to the concepts of utopian socialists, the priority is the property:
From the perspective of Aristotle, the scope chrematistics include:
Category rents Ricardo interprets as:
According to Marx, surplus value is created:
Margin economic theory is based on the study:
The object of study of the neoclassical direction of economic thought is:
The representatives of the Austrian school of marginalism determine the cost (value) of the goods (goods) on the basis of:
The representative of marginal areas has brought the limit values \u200b\u200bin the study areas of production:
The basis of the theory of marginalism is a law of diminishing:
Fundamentals of mathematical methods in economics laid:
The founder of microeconomics was:
The founder of marginalism was:
According to J. institutionalists. Commons, the price is formed:
The proposed J. Commons periodization phases of the evolution of capitalism does not include:
Among the authors of these Nobel laureates in economics it is not:
As a subject of economic analysis institutionalism put forward:
As a result of the reforms recommended by Veblen portends:
Theories imperfectly competitive market emerged: