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Text reference work on the subject "History of political and legal doctrines," 110 questions.

Task №1 (score 3)

Question 1. What are the subject of the history of political and legal doctrines.

1. History;

2. policies;

3. The legal doctrine;

4. The public law;

5. The political events in conjunction with the law and the rule of law.

Question 2. Which of Science cycle refers the history of political and legal doctrines?

1. Legal;

2. to the legal;

3. the political;

4. to politological;

5. to the sociological;

Question 3. What is the science most interconnected history of political and legal doctrines?

1. philosophy;

2. sociology;

3. with the story;

4. with a history of state and law;

5. The political science.

Question 4: In what aspect acts the history of political and legal doctrines in relation to the general theoretical jurisprudence?

1. as a historical discipline;

2. as a subsidiary subject;

3. as a theoretical science;

4. as the main discipline;

5. no right answer

Question 5. What method is used in the application of political and legal doctrines?

1. Analysis;

2. Mathematics;

3. Comparative;

4. natural;

5. All of the above

Task 2 (score 5)

Question 1: What are the origins traced the political and legal thought of the ancient peoples of the East and West?

1. theological;

2. rational;

3. cosmological;

4. mythological;

5. Earth.

Question 2. What is the Babylonian political and legal monument of XVIII century BC. e.?

1. Zarathustra;

2. The laws of Hammurabi;

3. Tao;

4. Maat;

5. Teachings Ptahotep.

Question 3. At what time the overall trend appears to rationalist interpretation of socio-political phenomena in all cultural centers of the world?

1. In the middle of I millennium BC. e;

2. in the I millennium BC. e .;

3. in the second millennium BC. e .;

4. in the III millennium BC. e .;

5. in the second half of I millennium BC. e.

Question 4. Give a brief definition of the mythical theism.

1. Theogony;

2. Theology;

3. Atheism;

4. teognostika;

5. Thomism.

Question 5: Under the influence of some ideas formed and developed political and legal thought in ancient India?

1. heathen;

2. Hindu;

3. Buddhist;

4. Vedic;

5. mythological and religious.

Task 3 (score 5)

Question 1. What period is drawing up political and legal monument Indii- "Laws of Manu"?

1 to I c. BC. e .;

2. to the II century. BC. e .;

3. By III. BC. e .;

4. to the IV. BC. e .;

5. to V. BC. e.

Question 2. Who in the VI. BC. e. India has criticized the provisions of the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Brahmanical ideology?

1. Dhamma;

2. Canakya;

3. Ashoka;

4. Buddha;

5. Kautilya.

Question 3. What are the founder of Taoism.

1. Confucius;

2. Mao-tse;

3. Lao Tzu;

4. Shang-yang;

5. Han-fairies

Question 4: Who has played a fundamental role in all ethical and political thought in China?

1. Mao-tse;

2. Shan-yang;

3. Han fairies;

4. Shen Bo-hai;

5. Confucius

Question 5. What treatise outlines the basic ideas of the ancient Chinese Legalism?

1. "Shan Jung-shu";

2. "Han Fei Zi";

3. "Lun-yu";

4. "Tao Te Ching";

5. "Dzhammapada."

Task 4 (score 5)

Question 1. What stands out in the periods of the history and development of ancient Greek political and legal thought?

1. a

2. The two

3. Three

4. Four

5. Five

Question 2. What are the prominent members of the Greek political and legal thought of the early period (IX - VI n. E).

1. Plato, Aristotle;

2. Homer, Hesiod;

3. Pythagoras, Epicurus;

4. Heraclitus, Polybius;

5. Socrates, Democritus.

Question 3. What is the doctrine played a decisive role in the outlook of the Pythagoreans?

1. on equality;

2. of justice;

3. the laws;

4. an everyman;

Task 5 (score 5)

Question 1: Who is considered the greatest thinker of antiquity and the history of philosophy, political and legal doctrines?

1. Thrasymachus;

2. Hippias;

3. Protagoras;

4. Plato;

5. Socrates.

Question 2. What are the works of Plato, which constructed the ideal state.

1. "Protagoras";

2. "State";

3. "Politics";

4. "sophist";

5. "Parmenides".

Question 3. What are the works of Aristotle, devoted to the political and legal issues.

1. "Laws";

2. "Creighton";

3. "Protagoras";

4. "State";

5. "Politics", "Athens Policy", "Ethics."

Question 4: What are the founder of Stoicism.

1. Aristotle;

2. Democritus;

3. Zenon;

4. Socrates;

5. Epicurus.

Question 5. What work reflected the views of Polybius?

1. "State";

2. "The history of forty books";

3. "Ethics";

4. "sophist";

5. "Politics".

Task 6 (score 5)

Question 1: What is the period covering the history of the Roman political and legal thought?

1. five hundred years;

2. Goals;

3. three hundred years;

4. six hundred years;

5. nine years.

Question 2. What are the science, the creation of which was a significant achievement Roman thought.

1. Political Science;

2. Sociology;

3. Cultural Studies;

4. Law;

5. story.

Question 3: Which works of Cicero considers the problems of state and law?

1. "By myself";

2. "On the Nature of Things";

3. "The State", "Laws";

4. "Laws";

5. "Politics".

Question 4. Determining which is the highest, the true law of Cicero?

1. civil law;

2. The criminal law;

3. The constitutional right;

4. International Law;

5. natural right.

Question 5. How often involves the codification of Justinian?

1 one;

2. Three;

3. two;

4. Four;

5. five.

Task 7 (score 5)

Question 1. What are the product of F. Aquinas, where he examines the state of the law, law.

Question 2. What essay M. Padua presents the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need for separation of church and state and the subordination of the Soviet political power?

Question 3. In what year M. Padua wrote an essay "Defender of Peace"?

Question 4: Who is the real source of all authority on M.Paduanskomu?

Question 5. How many members of the public categories shared M. Paudansky?

Task 8 (score 5)

Question 1. When formed the Muslim conception of the state in the Arab Caliphate?

Question 2. How many areas of Islamic political thought emerged in the study of government and politics?

Question 3. What areas of Islamic political thought in the study of government and politics?

Question 4. What work presents the fundamentals of the teachings of Ibn Khaldun of the state and politics?

Question 5: Who is considered the founder of the ideological trend of Islamic Reformation?

Task 9 (score 5)

Question 1. What factors contributed to the development of politico - legal thinking in ancient Russia?

Question 2. What are the first Russian political treatise?


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