Final standings RFEI Econometrics 10 questions.
1.Po seven territories of the Urals Federal District in 2006 the values \u200b\u200bof the two signs (Table. 1).
Table 1 - Performance areas
Urals Federal District for 2006
Region Average daily costs
Buying wages
food one
goods of common standard units, X
expenditure,%, y
Rep. 68.8 45.1
region. 61.2 59.0
Bashkortostan 59.9 57.2
region. 56.7 61.8
Perm region. 55.0 58.8
Kurgan region. 54.3 47.2
region. 49.3 55.2
What kind of a linear regression defined by the equation, characterizing the dependence of the cost of purchasing food commodities in the total expenditures?
2.Chem is a linear correlation coefficient based on the conditions of the problem 1?
3.Kakova value of the average error of approximation, based on the conditions of the problem 1?
4. What kind of power corresponds to the model according to the cost of purchasing food commodities in the total expenditures, based on the conditions of the problem 1?
5.Po areas of the region presents data for 2006 (Table. 2).
Table 2 - Indicators of regions according to
Average Number Average cost of
in the region of at least one week a week
able-bodied, wages
cond. U, X board
cond. units., y
1 78 133
2 82148
3 87134
4 79154
5 89162
7 67139
8 88158
9 73152
10 87 162
11 76 159
What kind of a linear regression equation of the pair in dependence on x average weekly wage of the average weekly cost of living for one able-bodied person?
6.Kakovo tightness value of a linear relationship (correlation coefficient) on the condition of the problem 5?
7.Kakovo quality model based on the condition of the problem 5 (average approximation error)?
8.Po group of companies that produce homogeneous products, it is known as the unit cost depends on the factor y - output, mln. Rub., X. The data are presented in Table. 3.
Table 3 - Dependence of cost
products from the scope of production
Priznak- equation pair Average
factor regression value
Volume 1
production, yx = 0,62 + 58,74 · - x = 2.64
million rubles. X x
What is the power factor of influence on the result determined by the coefficient of elasticity?
9.Zavisimost demand for pork X1, the price of its X2, but the price of beef X3, represented by the equation
lgx1 = 0.1274-0.2143 · lgX2 + 2.8254 · lgX3.
What kind of equations in natural form (not in logarithms)?
10. Dynamics of productivity in 10 years is shown in Table 4. To determine at what value the level of a number of series is abnormal at t = 4. (tabular values \u200b\u200bshould be taken from Table 5.4 econometrics course).
Table 4 - The dynamics of yields in 10 years
Vremeni.t Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Yields, yt 16,3 21,2 18,1 8,7 16,3 17,3 20,9 15,4 19,7 21,7
14.02.2014 9:07:57
Благодарю за помощь в решении не простых дисциплин. Очень пригодилась ваша помощь)
01.02.2014 23:39:49
Спасибо за работу!