Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Theoretical basics of using the plot-role-playing game
as a means of development of ideas about the work of adult children of preschool age 9
1.1.Psihologo-pedagogical features of introducing children
preschool age adults with difficulty 9
1.2.Harakteristika plot-role-playing as a means of development of the child 13
1.3.Vozmozhnosti plot-role-playing game to familiarize children
preschool age barely adults 21
Chapter Summary January 24
Chapter 2. Empirical basics of using the plot-role-playing game
as a means to familiarize preschool children with difficulty adults 27
2.1. Diagnosis of the level of formation at children of the senior preschool
age knowledge of the adults work 27
2.2 Implementation of the complex plot-role-playing games aimed at familiarizing
age children barely 38 adults
2.3 Analysis of the implementation of a complex plot-role-playing games,
aimed at providing preschool children with difficulty adults 44
Conclusions 51 Chapter 2
Conclusion 55
Bibliography 59
Applications 63
Chapter 1. Theoretical basics of using the plot-role-playing game
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