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ABBYY Lingvo x3 European version contains 130 obscheleksicheskih and specialized dictionaries to translate words and phrases from Russian into English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese languages \u200b\u200band vice versa. As well as dictionaries of English (Oxford and Collins) and Russian monolingual dictionaries, including the Dictionary of Russian Language, edited by Ephraim TF
ABBYY Lingvo x3 European version contains 130 obscheleksicheskih and specialized dictionaries to translate words and phrases from Russian into English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese languages \u200b\u200band vice versa. As well as dictionaries of English (Oxford and Collins) and Russian monolingual dictionaries, including the Dictionary of Russian Language, edited by Ephraim TF









Translation of words and phrases to study European languages:

Phrase in 5 languages: English, German, French, Spanish and Italian conversation. All phrases voiced by native speakers

Grammar English Dictionary

Training dictionaries for English and German: "The difficulties of the German language" and «Collins Cobuild»

15,000 British, 10,000 German, 5000 French, Spanish 10 000 and 20 000 Russian words sounded carriers respective languages

The application for effective learning words Lingvo Tutor
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