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Test items for the discipline "HISTORY OF STATE AND LAW OF RUSSIA" 100 questions.

Task 1.

1. The death penalty under the Russian Truth.

A. Death penalty.

V. Servitude.

C. Life imprisonment.

D. Confiscation and extradition (with his family) into slavery.

2. What is the Prince of Kiev, lowered usury?

A. Sviatopolk.

B. Ivan Kalita.

St. Vladimir Monomakh.

D. St. Vladimir.

3. Strong Russian principality in the XII - XIII centuries.

A Moscow.

Vladimir Vladimir - Suzdal.

S. Novgorod.

D. Kiev.

4. What was the name the ancient code of Russian law, the text of which has not reached us?

A Russian law

B. True Yaroslav.

C. True Yaroslav.

D. The Council's Code of.

5. Crimes against religion for a long time under the jurisdiction of the church. What

the document for the first time in the history of Russian law these crimes included in the codification of the secular?

A Grand-Ducal of Law.

B. Stoglav.

C. The Council's Code of.

D. Law in 1550

Task 2.

1. What principles determine the system of penalties for the Council Code?

A. Uncertainty of punishment and the multiplicity of punishment for a crime. B. Personalisation punishment. (His wife and children were not responsible for the criminal act of his).

S. Estates punitive.

D. All of the above.

2. The main objectives of punishment Council Code.

A. Manual offender on the right path.

B. Isolation offender from society.

C. Indemnification.

D. deterrence and retribution.

3. What kinds of books in the middle of XYI. made system of canon law?

A. Domostroy, Lives - the Saints.

B. Revelation, the Epistles and the Acts of the Apostles.

S. Helmsman .book Justice Metropolitan, Stoglav.

D. The canonical and apocryphal gospels.

4. What is the principality headed by Yuri Dolgoruky?

A. Rostov - Suzdal.

B. Nizhny Novgorod.

C. Galicia - Volyn.

D. Moscow.

5. The first national collection of laws in Muscovy.

A. Ivan III of Law in 1497

V. Russian law.

C. Russian true.

D. Tsar of Law.

Task 3.

1. What were the documents issued after the Council Code and included in its range of legal norms?

A. Code of Law.

V. The Charter.

S. ukaznoy book orders.

D. Novoukaznye article.

2. What events have accelerated the adoption of the Council Code?

A. Revolt of Stepan Razin.

B. The Great Northern War.

S. Smoot.

D. The Rise of 1648 in Moscow.

3. What is the principality became the center of unification of Northern Russia from the XIV century.?

A. Ryazan.

B. Nizhny Novgorod.

S. Moscow.

D. Tver.

4. In 1547, Grand Prince Ivan IY OFFICIALLYREGISTERED was proclaimed king. What did it matter?

A Russian princes and boyars remembered that the king earlier titled a Grand Duke and

In their eyes, he remained first among equals.

B. Proclamation Ivan IY king quickly led to the establishment of absolute monarchy

strong professional bureaucracy and the standing army.

C. The power and authority of the Moscow State remained the same. Changing only the title.

Changing the shape did not change the essence.

D. The word "king" goes back to the Roman "Caesar." Proclaimed King Anointed

God, the successor to the Roman and Byzantine emperors. Church formulated

the ideology of an autocratic state, "Moscow - the Third Rome, and 4 - Rome no mu

happen. "

5. What is the difference between patrimony and place?

A. There was no significant difference between the estate and patrimony. Both are

were large and feudal estates and many times exceed, and tiny

peasant holdings.

B. Manor was more estates. The landlords are constantly living on their estates, and

We are trying to get as much as possible from the peasants. Boyars also left their ancestral lands,

to perform state service.

Task 4.

1. Industry bodies of the central administration in the Russian state in XYI - XYII centuries.

A. Ministry.

B. Orders.

S.Gubnye hut.

D. College.

2. When was published Brief Really?

A. of He later 1072

B. B. 1113

C. C. 988

DD In 1054

3. For a long time contract in Russia fastened pronouncing certain ritual formulas in the presence of posluhov - guarantors. Gradually I began to intensify state control over the design of the contract. Contractual documents began to take force only after assurances ofitsalnoi instance. When a document for the first time and secured a record contract in the compulsory registration book?

A. Law in 1550

B. of Law Ivan III.

C. Decree 1558, issued in addition to the Tsar Sudebnik.

D. Pskov Judicial Charter.

4. When the Charter of Vladimir Monomakh?

A. In the XI century.

Q. before 1113

C. 1147

D. In the tenth century.

5. San head of the Russian Orthodox Church in XYII in.

A. Archbishop.

Metropolitan Vladimir.

S. Archpriest.

D. Patriarch.

Task 5.

1. Who first gathered Zemsky Sobor?

Ivanov IY.

V. Mikhail Romanov.

S. Rurik.

D. St. Vladimir.

2. The most disenfranchised legal entity under the Russian Truth.

A. Purchase.

V. serf.

C. Worker.

D. Ryadovich.

3. When formed the Old Russian state with its capital in Kiev?

A. YI in.

B. In the tenth century.

C. In the IX.

D. In the XY.

4. When was the first "temporary" ban on transfer of peasants in St. George's Day?

A. In 1497

B. Under the rule of the Mongols.

C. In 1550,

D. In 1581,

5. When the immune system has spread to the boyars' estates?

A. In the XII - XIII centuries.

Q. During the time of Kievan Rus.

C. After the unification of Russia around Moscow.

D. During the oprichnina.

Task 6.

1. In what the Russian state was formed republican system?

A. In Novgorod and Pskov.

B. Novgorod - Seversky and Pereyaslavl.

C. In Tver and Ryazan.

D. In Kiev and Chernigov.

2. The most famous monument of Russian law since the feudal fragmentation.

A. Novgorod Judicial Charter.

B. Pskov Judicial Charter.

C. True Yaroslav.

D. of Law in 1497.

3. What penalties relied on the Council Code for the murder of their child, and what for the murder of a stranger?

A. For the murder of her child threatened imprisonment for the murder of a stranger

man - the death penalty.

B. For any murder is punishable by death.

C. In both cases, the killer threatened with imprisonment.

D. Killing outsider punishable by death, the murder of their child sacramental.

4. Local caste - representative bodies from the middle to the XYI.

A. Orders.

V. Rural councils.

S. rural and labial hut.

D. Municipalities.

5. What was the first Russian emperor OFFICIALLYREGISTERED proclaimed king?

A. Ivan III.

Ivanov IY.

S. Yaroslav the Wise.

D. Peter I.

Task 7.

1. What are the Russian principalities obeyed Lithuania?

A Moscow. Zvenigorodskoe.

Vladimir of Kiev, Smolensk.

S. Novgorod, Pskov.

D. Ryazan, Tver.

2. Which of the ancient customs fully preserves the Russian True?

A. Collective responsibility.

B. bride kidnapping.

S. Polygamy.

D. Vendetta.

3. how to punish the theft of Council Code?

A death penalty.

B. For 1 - w theft - cut off the hands, 2 - th - the death penalty.

C. During the first theft - beating the whip, cut the ear, 2 years in prison and exile, for the second -

beating the whip, cut the ear, 4 years in prison for the third - the death penalty.

D. Indemnification double.

4. Mongol khans repeatedly burning Moscow. Last time they made after the overthrow of the Mongol yoke. The troops of the Tatar - Mongol Khanate burned Moscow for the last time? When it was? What reason has prevented rebuff?

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07.06.2023 18:14:09
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