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Uploaded: 09.10.2012

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Course project on discipline "Cars." Calculation and drawing of the clutch KAMAZ 5320

Ihodnye data for KamAZ 5320:

1.Paper Type Engine "Diesel";

2.Summarnaya support reaction (fused.), Rz, 153050 H;

3.Baza single TS, L, 3,19 m;

4.Maksimalnaya engine power, Nemax, 151,5 kW;

5.Uglovaya speed at Nemax, ωN, 220 rad / s;

6.Radius wheel rolling, rc, 0.477 m;

7.KPD transmission, 0.84;

8.Kolichestvo gears in the gearbox, 5;

9.Raschetnoe crankshaft angular velocity rad / s 44

10.Koeffitsient rolling resistance, fo, 0,015

11.Koeffitsient resistance lifting, i, 0,08

12.Maksimalnaya speed, Vmax, 80 km \\ h.

This Course project includes

1. Explanatory Memorandum;

2. Plans clutch KAMAZ-5320 in the format of the compass;

3. Calculations in the program Excel.

Siberian State Automobile and Highway Academy (SibADI), teacher Zarschikov AM, score excellent! Suitable for other high schools.
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