Total Control - program manager for strategic games.
The exact list of supported games and social networking specify on the site.
Subscription allows you to use a functional Total Control with no restrictions on the period and the number of accounts listed in the title of your subscription.
Subscription is activated once and in one game! Reactivation is impossible. If the vehicle at the time of activation count of accounts less than or equal par count in subscription accounts - denomination will be credited to all accounts, but will not be able to re-activate the missing accounts, if any (ie you purchased your subscription at 5 accounts in base 3 - face credited to them all but 2 of the denomination "burn" - again they will not be able to enroll).
If more accounts - will have to choose the right jackdaws.
After purchasing the code can be obtained instantly, returning to the page of the seller.
The code is a text string.
If you bought the code, and then could not find the code, returning to the page of the seller, or by following the link at the post office - that page on, where you leave a comment and contains your code. You can not physically do not get it, because it is in the form of a text string in the middle of the same page.
If for some reason you are unable to see the product page - visit At this location safely stores all purchased goods and you can always access them after the purchase.
If you are having any problem with the item purchased from us, or have questions - contact us (details on the link "More information on the seller").
Не плохой менеджер, для управления рутинными задачами. К сожалению до полной автоматизации ещё далеко, чтобы нажать кнопку и согласно заданному алгоритму пошёл процесс. Но надеюсь, всё ещё впереди.