1. What is language?
??Yazyk - an indicator of the general culture of the person, his development, his speech culture
??Yazyk - a naturally existing system of audio tools that allow people to express their thoughts, communicate
??Yazyk - is treated socially and historically changeable sign system that serves as the primary means of communication and representation of different forms of existence, each of which has one of the forms of implementation: oral or written
2. Highlight the features that characterize the language:
??ogranichen set of components
??statisticheskoe phenomenon
3. Select the features that characterize it:
??ogranichena set of components
4. What forms of speech isolated literary language?
5. Highlight the component parts of culture:
6. The language rule - is:
??yavlenie psychological
??yavlenie historical
??yavlenie social
7. What is the main part of the sentence refers to the action of the subject?
8. Scientific style of speech used for the presentation of the material in:
??finansovyh reports
??statyah newspapers
??vystupleniyah radio journalists
??nauchnyh works
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