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The questions in the test:
1. A straight line that connects the most outstanding in the sea port facilities, is the external border
??vnutrennih marine waters
??arhipelazhnyh water
??territorialnogo sea
??prilezhaschey area
2. What was the motto of the French ships in the XVIII century.?
??Svoboda seas, equality of rights for all peoples
??Svoboda, Equality, Fraternity
??Voyna pirates - state war
??V sea has no enemies except the sea
3. What is the mile, equal to 1.852 km.?
??Mezhdunarodnoy sea
4. What are the names of maritime areas are part of the territory of the coastal State and on the landward side of the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured?
??Vnutrennimi waters
??Otkrytym sea
??Isklyuchitelnoy economic zone
??Territorialnymi waters
5. Which country belonged to the Panama Canal until 2000?
6. What is included in international waters?
??Otkrytoe sea area
??Otkrytoe sea and territorial waters
??Vnutrennie waters and the open sea
??Vnutrennie water and territorial waters
7. What is the sea belongs to the private sea?
8. How many nautical miles may be in the territorial sea?
9. How many countries participated in the 1959 Convention at the conclusion of the treaty on the Arctic?
10. What are the sources of the international law of the sea?
??Natsionalnoe legislation
??Normy morals, standards of justice
??Mnogostoronnie treaties, national laws
??Obychay, multilateral treaties, national laws