Responses to test the Open Institute of Law for the program Unitest c letter T on the label and for the program Test Client.
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The questions in the test:
1. What is the subject of conflict resolution?
(A) ??50-60-hVzaimodeystvie people from different social groups
(B) ??40-50-hObyasnenie processes of life, functioning and development of social systems and subsystems through the category of conflict
(C) ??60-70-hRaskrytie complex internal structures, causing conflicts
(D) ??70-80-hAntropologiya conflict
2. What is the discipline of conflict management?
(A) ??Teoretiko practical
(B) and applied ??Teoretiko
(C) practical ??Deduktivno
(D) and applied ??Deduktivno
3. In contrast to the dominance of the United States that originated in the new branch of knowledge of the theory of the conflict?
(A) ??Deklassirovannogo capitalism
(B) ??Funktsionalnogo structuralism
(C) ??Strukturnogo functionalism
(D) ??Neomarksizma
4. whose work was laid the beginning of the conflict resolution as a discipline?
(A) ??K.Boldinga
(B) ??T.Romera
(C) ??H.Fildinga
(D) ??L.Kozera
5. What is each society, in terms of T. Parsons?
(A) ??Ustoychivuyu and stable, well-integrated structure
(B) ??Sistemu opposition and conflict
(C) ??Sistemu contradicting itself Statement
(D) ??Strukturu exposed to constant changes
6. What is each society, in terms of R.Darendorfa?
(A) ??Strukturu exposed to constant changes
(B) ??Ustoychivuyu and stable, well-integrated structure
(C) ??Sistemu opposition and conflict
(D) ??Sistemu contradicting itself Statement
7. The complex of any ideas of conflict resolution as a methodological basis of theoretical and applied discipline?
(A) ??Filosofskih
(B) ??Sotsiologicheskih
(C) ??Politologicheskih
(D) listed ??Vseh
8. To the category of what methodologies should include structural-functionalist approach?
(A) ??Dialekticheskih
(B) ??Nedialekticheskih
(C) ??Neprakticheskih
(D) ??Prakticheskih
9. To the category of what methodologies apply the paradigm of conflict that focus on changing the system, representing the conflict as a natural phenomenon in the society?
(A) ??Neprakticheskih
(B) ??Nedialekticheskih
(C) ??Dialekticheskih
(D) ??Prakticheskih
10. Who developed the theory of groups?
(A) ??Seyvom
(B) ??Verritom
(C) ??Karingtonom
(D) ??Trumenom