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Responses to test the Open Institute of Law for the program Unitest c letter T on the label and for the program Test Client.

Answer format: question -> answer options -> marked by the correct answer.

Answers to tests OYUI latest, guarantee 100% of the results of the test to assess the 5.

Answers to all the tests OYUI

The product 2 files. 1st embodiment:

1. Constitutional law of foreign countries was formed as an independent and autonomous branches of national law:

??Na turn of XVII - XVIII centuries

??V XX century

??V the end of the XIX century

??Na turn of XVIII - XIX centuries

2. Among the first important documents in the establishment of a constitutional law include:

??Deklaratsiyu independence (USA)

??Deklaratsiyu human and civil rights (France)

??Deklaratsii independence of CIS countries

??Deklaratsiyu the international commitments in the field of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the CIS

3. The American Declaration of Independence of 1776 was confirmed at the level of the normative legal act that:

??V any state should apply the principle of separation of powers

??Istochnikom power is the President

??Tolko people are the source of power

??Kazhdy man has natural rights

4. In terms of socio-economic development of the modern state can be divided into:

??Vysokorazvitye and developing countries

??Vysokorazvitye developing and the state with an average level of development

??Kapitalisticheskie and socialist countries

??Evropeyskie and Asian countries.

5. By the highly developed countries include:

??Strany Western Europe, Japan

??Strany Latin America

??Avstraliya, North America

??Strany Middle East

6. Among the countries with an average level of economic development are:

??Strany Central and Eastern Europe

??Bolshinstvo Latin America

??Strany Pacific

??Strany Middle East

7. Developing countries are:

??Avstraliya, USA

??Zapadnoevropeyskie States

??Bolshinstvo of the Pacific

??Strany Middle East

8. The subjects of constitutional law are:

??Gosudarstvo, individuals

??Fizicheskie persons and legal entities

??Yuridicheskie entities and the state

??Gosudarstvo and President

9. aspects constituting the object of constitutional law, include:

??Printsipy constitutional law, fundamental human rights and freedoms

??Prava human labor and family relations

??Usloviya and the formation and functioning of the public authorities

??Postroenie state and public authorities

Option 2 minutes:

1. The Constitution adopted legally called:





2. ... - it´s the law, received the direct provisions of the Constitution and in the hierarchy of legal acts place between ordinary and constitutional laws.

??spetsialny law

??organichesky law


??federalny constitutional law

3. Admission to the citizenship by application called:





4. stateless:



??litso stateless

??inostranny citizen

5. ... - is an independent, self-governing citizens´ association, formed under the terms of voluntary membership, created to participate in the political process.





6. The monarchy in which the monarch is not involved in the actual management of the country, is called:





7. Federation, all entities which have the same status, is called:





8. Secession - is:

??vneocherednoe session of Parliament

??protsedura dismissal of the President from office

??sposob acquisition of citizenship

??pravo output federal subject of the federation

9. The Republic, which along with the president are the highest spiritual state authorities called:





10. Kontrassignatura - is:

??sposob acquisition of citizenship

??dokument governing the work of parliament

??pravo declaration of war

??utverzhdenie signature President, Prime Minister


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28.06.2019 6:52:59
Спасибо большое! Сдала на 5 тест)
14.12.2016 14:11:02
Большое спасибо!
02.11.2014 17:59:21
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