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Responses to test the Open Institute of Law for the program Unitest c letter T on the label and for the program Test Client.
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2 The product file for the program Unitest c letter T on the label and for the program Test Client. Option 1:
1. The history of state and law as a scientific discipline studying:
??istoriyu state institutions, political and legal doctrines
??istoriyu culture, economy and law of the country
??istoriyu society
??evolyutsiyu structures, institutions and mechanisms of the government, as well as the development of the system as a whole and the individual branches of law
2. The ideological thrust of the views of historians Schlozer, Bayer, Miller was that:
??velikoknyazheskaya dynasty has Scandinavian origins
??gosudarstvennaya power has Roman roots
??normanny accelerated the process of formation of the state of the Eastern Slavs
??gosudarstvennost to Russia brought the Normans, Slavs are incapable of independent statehood development
3. The forms of social relations in the Slavs VII-VIII centuries. It can be defined as:
??rabovladelcheskie relations
??voennuyu Democracy
??rodoplemennye relations
??rannefeodalnye relations
4. The form of Kievan Rus was:
??rannefeodalnoy monarchy
??demokraticheskoy Republic
??absolyutnoy monarchy
??feodalnoy Republic
5. Community in Old Russian state called:
6. What are the main features of a military democracy - forms of social relations:
??narodnoe militia and social differentiation
??ravnoe participation of men and women in the management of the tribal community
??uchastie male tribal alliance in addressing major social problems, the special role of the national assembly as the supreme authority, the general arming of the population
??sotsialnaya differentiation, expansion of tribal relations
7. The system of detention by officials of the local population was called:
8. The oldest source of law is:
??normy rights
??sudebnaya practice princes
9. Type of State established under Peter I: