1. What features does not apply to machinery and equipment as objects of evaluation?
a) a radical change in value over time
b) no effect on the value associated costs
c) a low similarity of results in determining the average level of prices
d) the difficulty of forecasting future earnings
Answer: b) no effect on the value associated costs
2.Zhiznenny cycle machines and equipment:
a) relatively long
b) a relatively short
c) average
A: b) a relatively short
3.In the extent it affects the cost of the equipment of scientific and technical process?
a) strongly
b) moderate
c) does not affect
Answer: a) strongly
4.Rynok machinery and equipment mainly refers to the market:
5. As of the above factors has no effect on the estimated market value of the equipment?
6. What principles of valuation refers to the principles, due to the influence of the market environment?
7.Optovaya enterprise manufacturer price does not include:
8.Mashiny and equipment often sold at a price:
9.Dogovornaya price differs from the advertised price:
10.Krivaya demand reflects the relationship between supply and price
11. If the price exceeds the equilibrium price, then there is:
12.Indeksy prices reflect
13.Tsena transaction is
14. In what is the task of the appraiser?
15. How to perform the function of the price used to calculate the performance of the company?
Test your knowledge
1. What features are inherent in machines and equipment as an object of evaluation?
2. In what is the feature of automated valuation of machinery and equipment?
3.Chem caused a radical change in the value of machinery and equipment over time?
4.C could face difficulties in determining the assessor average level of prices in the valuation of machinery and equipment?
5. What are the related costs associated with the acquisition of machinery and equipment?
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6.C what features machinery and equipment caused by the rare application of the income approach in their assessment?
7.What factors influence the magnitude of the cost of machinery and equipment?
8. How effect on the value of machinery and equipment, intangible assets have?
9.Chem due to the problem of identification of machinery and equipment?
10.Oharakterizuyte impact on the value of the life cycle cost of machinery and equipment
11. What serves as a reference for determining the value based on the cost approach?
12. As a way selects the main pricing parameters?
13.Kokoy species has a curve of price change, depending on the degree of obsolescence?
14.Perechislite direct and indirect methods of determining the cost
15.Sleduet to consider whether the associated costs related to the acquisition of equipment, in determining the value of this equipment?
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